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Scouts on the farm


Exciting times on the farm!

Last week, we had the absolute pleasure of hosting a fantastic group of scouts, who are passionate about adventure, learning, and making a positive impact in their communities.

Not only did we welcome a group from Scotland, but they were also hosting a group all the way from Deutschland!

Scouts are known for their spirit of exploration and their dedication to serving others. They engage in a wide range of activities that promote personal growth, leadership skills, and teamwork. From camping and hiking to community service projects, scouts are always eager to contribute and learn from new experiences.

We were excited to host this incredible group of scouts at our farm, as it provided a perfect setting for them to connect with nature, gain insight into farming practices, and develop a deeper appreciation for sustainable agriculture. Our farm is a place where we nurture and care for our livestock, ensuring their well-being and are focused on becoming a community space, where people can visit, stay, learn and have fun.

The scouts had the opportunity to witness the beautiful countryside we have here at Solsgirth. They experienced the rewarding aspects of farm life, learned about responsible animal husbandry, and even got their hands dirty by lending a hand in herding our sheep during the rainy weather!

Their enthusiasm and willingness to embrace new challenges even with the deluge of rain that the Scottish weather threw at them was truly inspiring. We were thrilled to share our knowledge and passion for farming with them and here's to the scouts and their unwavering spirit of adventure, curiosity, and service!

We loved being part of their scouting journey and look forward to continuing our support for youth development.



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